Tórshavn – a vibrant municipality

Integration Coordinator in Tórshavn Municipality

The Integration Coordinator in Tórshavn Municipality is available for personal guidance about the services of the municipality, leisure time activities, cultural life and events for newcomers. Visit our page »Integration service for newcomers« for more information and contact information.

Integration service for newcomers

Integration service for newcomers

On the website integration.fo, you can find more information on different topics that can be relevant for newcomers, including a direct link where you can ask for advice and guidance in relation to practical matters.

Integration service for newcomers (integration.fo)

Looking for events or leasure time activities?

Would you like to see what you and your family can do in the Tórshavn municipality these days? Then follow timin.fo, which is the calendar with all the exciting and interesting events happening in the community. Be sure to check the Faroese version too, as some events may not have been translated into English.

Tímin.fo (English version)

Tímin.fo (Faroese version)